Hi, everyone! My name is Alex Crayon, and I'm from Kansas City, Missouri, home of the best barbecue in the world. I'm an English Writing major with minors in Spanish and Classical Culture, and I hope to continue my education by getting a Master's degree from OU and then a PhD from wherever will take me. I aspire to be a college professor of English of some sort, and maybe, someday, a published author of fiction. The best class I took last semester was World Literature 1700-Present, taught by Dr. Amit Baishya. This class was really interesting because it forced me to read outside my comfort zone and engage with texts written by authors from all over the world. The book I enjoyed reading the most in that class is The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes by Jamyang Norbu. It's basically glorified fanfiction, and thus incredible. Though I can't pin down one book to call my favorite, there are a few that stand out (in no specific order): 1. Homer's Iliad 2. Georg...
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