Week 12 Lab

I really liked the "Advice to Writers" page. There was a lot of short, quippy, useful tips for me as a writer, and I hope to reference this page more in the future. I really liked the advice "Stop Dancing and Just Go for a Walk." This post mostly talked about eliminating fluff from stylistic parts of my writing, mostly with commas (which I use a lot).

I liked the way that this little post presented the information. It described exactly the problem it was hoping to help fix -- a problem I have in my writing -- with it being too flowery a lot of the time. I tend to add a Falkneresque of Woolf-like feeling to the style of my writing, and I allow sentences to go on and on and on without forseeable end. A more Hemingway kind of sparsity of targeted language might be better, and I think that is what the post means by 'walking.' (Though I'm sure that Hemingway would argue that his writing definitely dances, just in its own way).

Related image
How I feel when using commas. Source.


  1. Hi Alex! I am glad that you really enjoyed the "Advice to Writers" page. One thing about writing, reading, and grammar skills is that there are always things you can do to improve your writing. I think that through all the writing exercises in this class my writing has improved and I am sure you feel the same! Good luck with finals!


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